Thursday, April 15, 2010

Part 1: The Wanagi Spirit is Born on Turtle Island

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Long long long ago..before the stories were told, before the happenings of them were created, the Paleo-Indian people lived on this quiet solitary continent. The birth of blood lines of many contemporary nations began spawning in the barren yet plentiful lands of Turtle Island..(North America). In the times of the large mammoth, ancient people migrated and lived in the rich forests and mountains of the north near modern day Devil's Tower. These people called themselves the Agonwequon..before the Athabasca and Algonquin major Indigenous blood lines were created. These people lived in happiness in their small numbers..the women were amazing elk-teeth dress makes and jewelers sought after by many...the men were the best hunters in the north, fearless men who stood face to face with Nature's most powerful adversaries.
The only issue with the early Agonwequon people is they had not experienced anything outside of their world, anything to let them believe things beyond their natural world existed. The did not have words in their language for such unexplained occurrences as well as human emotions and traits such as jealousy, ignorance, self-centered, etc. One day, before days were recorded, a group of Agonwequon men gathered. The old ones reminded the strong hunters that the moons of summer were ending, the constellation of Six-Neglected Boys was coming close to the north which meant fall was approaching. The old one stood in his primitive elk and bear hide..his long silver hair reaching the top sinew-ties of his moccasins. He spoke weakly from age yet strong from a tribal leader.
"Hunters of the people.." he stated boldly, as many men gathered. "I can see the falling snows already in my dreams, I see the elk gathering and moving as the Kwauitak people do when the chokecherries have been picked. This moon of hunting will be our most important if we are to keep our women fat and our lodges warm. Bring me the finest of meat and luscious of hides.."

The men mumbled somewhat in boredom, as the old man spoke often which was apparent to the inattentive teen hunters. Until the old man spoke again.

" bring strength into the hearts of you hunters, as the flowers bring the humming flies to visit...the man who brings us the best, most fattest of meat shall receive my bear claw shield, which makes the warrior invincible to arrows..".

The men mumbled and nodded inspired, until the old man continued.

"...and to the man who brings me the teeth and eyes of Unnoshiit shall receive permission to court my daughter."

The men really up-roared as they playfully pushed each other and spoke humor as well as confidence they were going to be that man. The old man's daughter simply blushed sitting on her elk hide as she worked a new dress for a coming-of-age girl. The most beautiful of women in the snowy regions of the north.

As inspiring as the reward was, none of the hunters could deny the fear they had for Unnoshiit. Unnoshhit was a cave-dwelling monster...who had the body of a water serpent, the claws of the biggest mountain bears, and the eyes more keen than the spotted eagle. He lived in solitude in the highest of hills where the trees grew thick as it preyed on large animals. Though the valor and honor to marry the beautiful old man's daughter was unspeakable to most men. He would be the center of jealously for all his brothers and fellow hunters, he would become the clans leader and would be the most wealthy. The men rested as best as they could before the gathering-hunt.

As the sun rose, the many hunters gathered in the center of the village. Carrying packs on slings and wrapped hides, for these were the days long long long before horses and packing dogs. With their finest and straightest arrows, their strongest of bows they headed out. Many women hugging and singing prayer songs out loud for the safe return of their husbands and children. Many hunters split off into smaller hunting parties, some even cocky enough to brave the hunt on their own. Though two brothers stuck to one another, they knew together they could complete any task.

Wolf Runs Two, and his slightly younger brother, His Eyes Are Many, had been close their entire lives as they reached their adulthood. They did every and anything together. Many mothers were jealous and often talked about the boys' cooperation and teamwork with each other.
As the brothers hiked up the unforgiving hills and mountains with ease, they made many jokes and laughed together. They never discussed the reward as they enjoyed hunting together for any reason. They traveled for 4 long days, finally camping at the valley of two mountains, where the ice freezes and stops trolling off the mountainsides. They made a small fire and ate pieces of dried rabbit meat and other berries their mothers had picked and packed for them. Into the evening and night they made up stories of brave hunters (instead of warriors for this was before war), going into the details of amazing kills and prosperity and wealth of many wives and lodges from horizon to horizon. They fell asleep dreaming of these stories becoming real for them one day.

As the brothers awoke and gathered their belongings, His Eyes Are Many was throwing stones over the cliff. Wolf Runs Two laughed as he asked his brother.

"His Eyes Are Many, no matter how far you throw our Grandfathers, they are still going to be related to you, silly younger brother!"

His Eyes Are Many chuckled but spoke to defend his actions, tossing another before speaking.

"Hiiktika oohoun ni sha, brother! These stones under my sleeping hide made me roll around uncomfortably like the pine logs roll in mighty rivers!" They both laughed, but unaware one of the rocks tumbled down the mountainside. It gained speed and velocity as it tumbled and skipped. Until it clunked onto the head of Unnoshiit.

The monster unable to find his cave the night before decided to sleep on the ledge. He growled loudly, louder and more fierce than any bear or wolf any man had encountered. The serpent-like monster crawled up the mountain fast.

As the boys finished packing and kicked soil onto their fire, they started to head into the trees, ducking under low branches, until they both turned and ducked as the large monster reached over the edge onto their camp. Its roar shook the mountains, the trees seemed to bend like in storm winds. The boys yelled in fear, but were strong hunters in heart and body. The brothers hide behind strong trees as they readied their bows with their strongest and straightest arrows. Unnoshiit claws at the trees, breaking them one by one as he paved his way to the brothers. They looked to each other and gave their knowing nod of their hunting technique. At a second clawing of the monster, the bows turned simultaneously and shot their arrows. Each arrow landing dead center into each eye of Unnoshiit. The monster screamed and roared as it clawed around trying to find its way around. The brothers then unsheathed their strong knives used to gut game as they both stabbed it into the monsters heart. The monster roared again, sending his death song to the four corners of the earth, as it fell and lay motionless on the ground, on a bed of trees and branches it had broken in its rage.

The brothers, panting from fear and exhaustion of the fight, neared the monster step by step. Their bows still armed with their hands gripped tight ready for any sudden movements. Suddenly the monster didn't move but began to change colors. The brothers watched in amazement. They started to discuss what powers could come from the beast if they were to take the arrowed-in eyes, and the sharp fangs. The people would write songs of them, songs of their bravery and strength. They would marry the old man;s daughter and one day be a leader of the Agonwequon. Though they began to fight. They realized there could only be one leader, the old man's daughter could only have one husband. They began to argue who's arrow and knife hit the monster first, even though they did everything together and everything at the same exact time. The brothers began yelling insults in their language as their brown arms and hands pushed and grappled with each other.

While the brothers scuffled, ghostlike arms extended from the monsters blood-running eyes. As ghostly and vibrant as the northern aurora as it snaked its way through the air towards the fighting brothers. The arms then grabbed and coiled them like giant snakes. The heat of their argument dissipating as they realized they were being attacked. A new face formed from the vibrant ghost spirit as it held the two brothers and began to speak.

"You human boys are very brave to attack me, and succeed for that matter.." as the boys struggled to be freed they listened.

"The spirits know of everyone, who they are and how they live with each other...though, we have known you are Wolf Runs Two and His Eyes Are Many, the brothers who never fight, and yet see they fight for things like women and power and wealth on this day...amongst your arguing for wealth and power and fame, you had forgotten to remove my three yellow scales from my back..."

As the monster lifted the boys to show them three shiny yellow scales, they still struggled to be free but listened intently.

"For those are what held my spirit trapped in this body, though as you can see, you have killed my mortal form. My eyes are shot and blood running from them...and two knives in my heart. So now I'm left without a physical form..and since I have you two, I will become you. May your mortal souls be cast out into nature, back to the grandfather stones and grandmother earth, and may you forever regret your selfishness."

The boys were crying now, struggling to still be free but at the same time begging for their lives. The vibrant colored apparition showed them no mercy however as the spirit only laughed at their sorrow and regret.

"I will become one being again.." Unnoshiit's spirit continued "but I cannot be as one being from two I will have to accept three forms. I will use your blood and hearts to become a Agonwequon man..I will combine your youthful bodies with your handsome faces to be the most astounding looking two-legged man there is."

He chuckled as they cried and yelled at the monster in their language, saying mean and threatening things.

"For my other forms...hmmmm..." he contemplated, looking at the oldest brother before speaking. "The Creator says I cannot banish you completely and have my way, for you were strong enough to kill me in my mortal form that all men were supposed to fear. So I will have to honor you two somehow."

He trailed off, using the best of his abilities to think of how the situation should end up.

"Wolf Runs Two.." he said sternly, getting the older brother;'s attention. "I will honor your name by making my other form after you. Your name implies a wolf that runs on two legs, a strong hunter and yet fierce adversary to man. To honor you and the love you both hold for each other that cannot be other forms shall be curses. I will be the most handsome man alive, but your curse shall be I turn into a wolf-man; when the moon is shining I must turn into you and be a ruthless killer, seeking the blood of others."

Even knowing Wolf Runs Two was going to die, he smiled knowing he would at least curse this monster.

"His Eyes Are Many.." he shifted his gaze to the younger brother. "I will honor your name by making my last form after you. Your name implies a form that must have many eyes, and that is the spider..the web weaver. Aside from being a handsome man, and ruthless killing two-legged wolf, I will be cursed to be a form that scares the human..considered one of the most feared and ugly-looking creatures to exist. My human form will grow tired very easily, and in order to travel well, I will need to change into you so that my many legs can carry me."

Like his brother, afraid to die, felt some ease knowing he was also going to curse the monster. As they closed their eyes and held each others hand, there was a loud clap of thunder and an earthquake shook the lands from horizon to horizon. After the fray, there lay a naked, young handsome man. He stood slowly, brushing off his brown skin. Excited for his new body, he ran as fast as he could to the river. Though after only a few steps, he grew so tired he had to collapse. For this, he knew living a normal life was going to be impossible...he knew the hunters would never invite him for growing tired so easily. Unnoshiit transformed into his large spider form as he then got up and continued to the river. He looked in the water, only to see staring back at him an ugly 8 eyes with large fangs and mandibles. He switched to his human form and looked in the water, seeing the most handsome man ever in existence. He laughed selfishly as he laid there.

After a nap, he awoke to the sound of The Creator's voice. The Creator was very angry as strong winds ascended from the skies, bending the large trees and grasses. Unnoshiit stood slowly and yelled to the skies.

"Creator, I hear your voice, I feel your ears are open if you wish to speak."

The Creator ascended in the form of a glowing white grandmother woman. Her long silver hair disappeared into the grasses as she was connected to the earth. She gave him a stern look.

"Unnoshhit, you are many of my spirit cousins, and for that I must heed your well-being and look after you. But this day you destroyed a love bond..a bond you cannot break. Sticks alone break easy, but the bundle will always remain strong, bearing any weight possible. For this evil deed, you are not fully a man that I have made to be. A spirit cannot exist within a man and survive for he will soon crumble weakly and his skin will melt and shed like that of a snake."

Frustrated, he knew he couldn't deny the words of The Creator. He instead huffed angrily and asked.

"Then what must I do, Creator...I have already cursed myself to balance the existence of things...what more must be done."

The Creator smiled, she could still see the love of the two brothers within him. Her hand reached out and touched his skin.

"I am which all that is good, Unnoshiit. Cursing yourself will never break the bond the two brothers possessed, and regardless of cursing yourself with two forms, your skin will never exist in the human world. For this, I shall place my own curse on you."

Soon, her hand gripped his arms as his entire body turned into a tornado. Lightning and rain and hail shot out all along the sides. When it ended, the man lay there on the ground again, but this time his skin was decorated permanently. His body was the balance of love and hate, the balance of day and night, star and night sky, dark cloud and bright hailstone. Half of his body was black, and the other white. The black side had white spots and the white side had black spots. The Creator smiled in satisfaction.

"Now, Unnoshiit..the boys will be forever separated by your evil doing, but you will at least forever show them on your handsome body. Your forms are your curse, but as a human, no woman will sleep with a man painted this way. The brothers and your selfishness and greed, for that all of you shall be punished with loneliness forever. Everything you fought against love to have, you shall never possess."

Unnoshiit frowned but laughed at her, already re-checking himself in the river.

"Silly Creator, the people know nothing of spirits. The people will never know I am anything different."

The old woman smiled at him, her wrinkles lovingly forming her delicate old face.

"You are right, Unnoshiit...but one day the people will learn of ceremony. They will learn of me and their place within turtle island's natural order. They will sing and dance to me and even cause themselves pain for me and for the love of their people. For this..I will share with them stories of spirits...of tricksters such as yourself. One day, Unnoshiit..they will know of your colors, of your appearance...and they will fear you. They will fear to trust you. They will know you are of no good. My curse to you is loneliness."

With that The Creator smiled her old grandmother smiled and seemed to disappear in every direction. Into the tree's leaves, into the stones, the grass, the water.

Many many moons later, more than can be counted. The people grew strong and dispersed all over Turtle Island. The Creator opened holes in the ground and out came many mighty beasts such as the bears and the buffalo. The people learned how to hunt these beasts and became strong nations. As people witnessed these occurrences, they knew a higher power was guiding them and watching them. Often she would send them visions and dreams teaching the people of humility, of compassion, love, devotion, perseverance, and many other honored traits. She made the people of her land aware of spirit beings. Many were there to help the people just as much as there were to harm and trick the people. Through experience in learning which were good and bad, the people began to pass down stories of foolish men being tricked by the spider, by the coyote and wolf. For men and women who fell in lust with pretty faces of painted people only to realize their souls were taken from them.

They learned of the Wanati..the black and white painted man who would turn into a spider and a wolf..he would come to trick the people for his amusement, even kill some. He depended on them for their blood and their souls. His hunger could never be quenched, his sexual desires never fulfilled. The people did not know of the birth of this trickster shape-shifting spirit. For he was created before the time of stories and dreams. The Wanati would always be alone, a wandering hunter of blood and souls, a lonely crying wolf in the night, a viscous spider venomous enough to kill tribes of people with a single drop of his venom. His unhappiness and curses would forever make him seek to harm the people of Turtle Island, to pay The Creator back for his curses, for his hatred of the two brothers Wolf Runs Two and His Eyes Are Many. He paid the price to learn that love can never be created nor destroyed. The effort in doing so would curse him for all eternity.

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In the true worlds of Native people, trickster and evil spirits existence in every tribe. The Sioux people call him Iktomi, the trickster spider who often accompanied a wild canine in his plots to trick people for his own self gain and inflict pain upon the people. Men have gone through many humorous jokes to pretend to be the Wanati to steal women and horses from enemy tribes or to get back at foes. Some people have even been tricked into being forced to bestow the curse of the Wanati. Anyone he is able to trick and fool turns into a part of him, another Wanati. He does it to to try to ease his bad heart..his pain and loneliness, but only to a small fraction does it leave him when he bestows the curse onto others.

Among the world's true..eternally damned.

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